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The scrap Yard

It all goes for $1 a pound.

The deal is that the city of Ventura put in some new law that said "no outside storage." Two junkyards in the same area also closed.

I had visions of pristine sheet metal getting crushed and future Ghia builders crying in misery. Honestly the stuff was pretty thoroughly picked over when we got there. The front and rear clips were pretty dinged and rusty. There were some pieces of glass, hoods and a whole bunch of passenger side doors - some of them were even shiny. Karmann Ghia owners must not have any friends to wear out the passenger doors.

Scott managed to balance some pretty huge bits on this little scale including full rear quarters and a front clip.

Shot through the center of a much bondoed '59 clip.


Then the clip wound up in this load.



KGPR also crushed some reject taillights (bad molding/tint) by running over them with a forklift. Is it a bad sign that we all gathered around to watch and take pictures? Isn't that what you did on your family vacation?

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